Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Lucas' 2 yr dr appt

Lucas had is 2 yr check up today with Dr. Goff. He is in the 25% for his height and weight, which is an increase in his height and decrease in weight since his 18mth visit. We all know he doesn't have a chance in the height category!!! No shots this visit...thank goodness! We went to the playground after the appt. They love this playground...it is huge. The only downfall today was two bus loads of kids that showed up. This makes it very difficult to keep up with Isabel. She is so independent and runs off around the playground. Repeating to her every 2 minutes to make sure she can always see me is not working. She says OK then runs off again. People always talk about the terrible two's, but what about these three's! After about 45 minutes of complete exhaustion (referring to myself of course) we had a picnic and Isabel actually ate some bites of a sandwich. Big step for her.

1 comment:

  1. You'll have to tell me where that park is, girlie. Looking forward to a fun summer with you guys...
